Peri-implant diseases, including peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis are common complications that occur around dental implants. Early detection of peri-implant diseases and timely management are of critical importance for the long-term success of dental implant treatment.
Intraoral radiographs and peri-implant probing measurements should be obtained following completion of implant therapy to establish a baseline. At subsequent examinations, if clinical signs of inflammation or deepening of probing depths are observed, a radiograph should be made to assess the peri-implant bone levels and confirm a diagnosis.
Clinicians should perform peri-implant probing to monitor peri-implant conditions at each recall visit in order to detect changes in health conditions at an early stage. Identification and treatment of peri-implant mucositis is key for the primary prevention of peri-implantitis. Early detection of peri-implant disease favors a more conservative non-surgical treatment approach, while peri-implantitis diagnosed with more advanced bone loss usually requires surgical intervention.
Regular supportive peri-implant care (SPIC) is recommended for all patients with dental implants. A comprehensive approach encompasses various aspects, including monitoring peri-implant/periodontal tissue health, reducing or modifying risk factors, reinforcing individualized oral hygiene practices, and providing professional mechanical plaque removal. SPIC also involves risk assessment to determine the appropriate recall interval for each patient. By implementing SPIC, clinicians can proactively reduce the risk of complications, manage peri-implant diseases and ensure the long-term success of dental implant treatment. Clinicians and patients should be well informed of their role in establishing a preventative program.