
Forum Implantologicum talked to Merete Aaboe, Chair of the ITI Board of Studies, about implant dentistry education and the different ways in which the ITI contributes to the field.
Forum Implantologicum (FI): Implant dentistry education has evolved significantly since its beginnings over 40 years ago at which time no formally defined education pathways existed, and it was usual for dental professionals interested in the emerging discipline to take weekend courses that were often industry-led and product-oriented.

Merete Aaboe (MA): That’s true, the education landscape looks very different today and there are many university-led courses available to dental professionals. This landscape, however, has been strongly affected by the fact that the trend in treatment today is strongly patient-oriented, and implant dentistry has become more of a mainstream service in demand by many patients rather than the niche specialty it was for many years.

In addition to implant dentistry specialists who have been practicing for many years, general dental practitioners can also expect to come routinely into contact with patients who already have implants and need follow-up treatment or would like to have them and need advice from their dentist. It is therefore important for general practitioners who would like retain these patients to have a solid basic understanding of implant dentistry along with the associated skills as well as realistic insight into their limitations and the risks involved.

The ITI’s main focus is on education and it offers a variety of different opportunities. This could be on-site events like education days, study club meetings, national congresses, education weeks or the ITI World Symposium. It is also possible to obtain knowledge online at the ITI Academy, via blogs, online education meetings or structured education programs.

FI: In terms of structured education, what does the ITI have to offer?

MA: The most recent additions to the ITI’s education resources are two internationally recognized programs: the ITI Curriculum and the ITI Diploma in Implant Dentistry. The ITI Curriculum is aimed at professionals who want to advance their career and acquire the fundamentals of implant dentistry. It is for dentists, hygienists and dental technicians who want to gain a thorough theoretical understanding of implant dentistry. It is also for young professionals who want to start specializing in implant dentistry and for dental students looking for their first experience in implant dentistry. The program offers two levels of implant dentistry training: Foundation level and Intermediate level.

The Foundation level of the ITI Curriculum can either be taken online or on-site with an ITI partner institution and equips participants with a general theoretical knowledge across implant dentistry. Using the SAC classification, the participant will be able to assess prospective patients, identify Straightforward cases and restore Straightforward, single tooth spaces. Peri-implant tissue health and implant prosthesis maintenance is a focus point and the participant will be able to manage simple complications such as chipping of the porcelain or peri-mucositis.

After finalizing the ITI Curriculum at Foundation level, participants have the possibility to proceed to the Intermediate Level. One can also start at the Intermediate Level without having the certificate at Foundation level but will need to pass the Foundation level exam first.

The Intermediate Level is designed for dentists who want to place implants with confidence. It is for general practitioners with a sound theoretical basis in implant dentistry who would like to improve their practical skills, but also to grow their career in the field of implant dentistry. As a large part of the program is centered around physically placing implants the program is an on-site only course provided by an ITI partner institution, which could be a university or a commercial education provider.

The program focuses on assessment, planning and performance of surgeries and prosthodontic treatments of cases that are Straightforward or minimally Advanced, according to the SAC classification. A strong hands-on component complements the theoretical aspects of the program. Participation is an excellent opportunity for practitioners to place their first implants in a safe environment under the guidance of a mentor.

A certificate is issued to participants who successfully complete the Foundation and/or Intermediate levels.

FI: How does the ITI Diploma in Implant Dentistry fit in with the ITI Curriculum?

MA: While the ITI Curriculum at Foundation and Intermediate Level are education programs, the ITI Diploma is a validation program. It is an opportunity for experienced practitioners to validate their professional competence and showcase their clinical excellence to patients and partners.

To enter the program, participants must be an ITI Curriculum Intermediate Level graduate or pass an online entry test. A minimum of three years’ experience in placing or treating implants along with a high level of clinical and theoretical knowledge are recommended. The program consists of 8 predefined clinical cases that are submitted for review followed by an on-site oral examination based on 4 unseen cases.

Fig. 1: The ITI Diploma in Implant Dentistry
FI: You were closely involved in the development of both the ITI Curriculum and the ITI Diploma in Implant Dentistry. How do you believe they meet the needs of practitioners today?

MA: I mentioned the changing education landscape earlier on, and this is really a response to the trend towards patient-oriented treatment. Patients want healthy and attractive dentition for their entire lifespan, and this increasingly means turning to dental implants. With its long-term focus on education and evidence-based science, the ITI was ideally positioned to develop programs that match the needs of practitioners starting out in the field as well as validating the expertise of experienced practitioners. We have more than 40 years’ experience, a solid background in developing educational tools and were able to call on experts who have been involved in education throughout their career. By adhering to a high standard of education we enable access to the best possible treatment standards for patients.

FI: Many thanks, Merete, for talking to us and telling us about some of the ways in which the ITI is contributing to education in implant dentistry.