
Wiebe D.C. Derksen
Dr. Wiebe Derksen is a specialist in implantology and prosthodontics and runs a private practice for implantology and restorative dentistry in Arnhem, the Netherlands. He had a research position at ACTA, Amsterdam, the Netherlands where he also finished his PhD on the digital workflow in implant dentistry in 2023. From 2012 - 2015 he followed Daniel Wismeijer’s postgraduate implantology program at ACTA. He is a former president of the young division of the Dutch implantology foundation and is currently a member of the Leadership Team of the ITI Section Netherlands. He is a co-author of the Proceedings of the 5th and the 6th ITI Consensus Conference on the topic of computer guided surgery and is an international lecturer in the field of (digital) implant dentistry and prosthodontics.
Feature Article
The new technologies in the field of dental science have not only changed the way in which dentists run their practice but have also dramatically changed the procedures carried out in dental laboratories. Mechanical engineering, incorporated CMM, laser milling, 3D printing and 3D design in a mechanical tool shop are a few of the fields in which novel dental technologies are emerging.
Feature Article
Every 5 years, the International Team of Implantology (ITI) organizes a Consensus Conference to review the current state of evidence in areas of interest in implant dentistry. The 7th ITI Consensus Conference was held in Lisbon in May 2023. The topic of Group 2 was “Technology”, focusing on following three research questions: (1) additive versus subtractive manufacturing of implant restorations; (2) survival, complications, and esthetics comparing prefabricated versus customized abutments; and (3) survival of posterior implant-supported multi-unit fixed dental prostheses.
Feature Article
Computer-guided surgery has been a subject of interest to clinicians and dental implant research for many years. Different levels of evidence have been presented showing different levels of accuracy. Different protocols have also been presented in the literature distinguished by i.a. different guide production, support and surgical protocols.