
Brody Hildebrand
Brody Hildebrand DDS, MS, is a prosthodontist and orthodontist who runs a multi-specialty dental practice in Dallas, Texas. He is Managing Director of DevRight LLC and an Assistant Clinical Professor at Texas A&M’s Baylor College of Dentistry. Dr. Hildebrand is a Fellow of the International Team for Implantology (ITI) as well as the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) and a member of the ACP, AAO and AO.
Presentation Tips
Pre-recording “live” events can offer several advantages for the production team while preserving the intended programming feel. This production approach has transcended to virtual meeting platforms for the same reason.
Presentation Tips
2020, what an eventful year for everyone! The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on a wide range of aspects in our daily lives, many of which will resonate and continue well into the future. One area where change has impacted our daily lives is in the field of education.
Presentation Tips
Over the past year, virtual presentations have quickly been established as an essential tool in education, which will continue to grow well beyond 2020.