
Karina Amorim
Karina Amorim, DDS, MS, PhD candidate, holds a Fellowship at the Center of Implant Dentistry within the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the College of Dentistry, University of Florida, USA. She obtained her DDS from the State University of Campinas and achieved her MS program at the University of São Paulo, in Brazil. She is currently enrolled at the University of São Paulo as a PhD candidate. Karina Amorim was an ITI Scholar in 2021-2022 at the Center of Implant Dentistry at the University of Florida and is an active member of the organizational committee of the Young ITI in Brazil.
Presentation Tips
Based on an image that uses various materials with different optical properties, this article explains how to modify the factors needed to render more artistic interpretations of dental materials, which can in turn be used for education and inspiration.